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December happenings at Studio 2507

little boxesThe studio is stuffed with piles of new and old work, and I’ll be around this month if you want to stop by and visit, or purchase a holiday gift.  Feel free to contact me by cell phone or by email and I’ll meet you.

The studio will also be open for First Friday Dec 5th  from 6-9 pm- you are invited!!!



September Happenings at Studio 2507 First Friday- and then off to France!!

Annie in Studio 2014Thanks so much to all of you who came down to Art In The Pearl Festival this past weekend. The crowds made it an exciting place to be!!

Studio 2507 (Annie’s studio) will be open First Friday from 6-9 pm. You’re invited!!!!

You are also welcome to email me or call me directly at my cell phone if you’d like to meet me there.

I will be traveling to France next week till the end of the month, hopefully to bring back some inspiration and new work. I’ll have a glass of wine and think of all of you when I am there!!!!!.

July happenings at Studio 2507

Summer 2014 NudesI won’t be having a First Friday studio opening this month because it’s the 4th of July! But I will be in the studio as much as I can be this month, along with most Friday evenings – feel free to call me or email me to check my schedule if you’d like to stop by!

Valentine’s First Friday

I’ve made a series of Valentine Monotypes for this First Friday at the Studio also- and will be there with my latest projects.  Looking forward to celebrating the 2 valentinelonger days in this New Year!! Come by for a glass of cheer and to visit during the Open Studio hours of First Friday 6-9 pm.

December happenings at Studio 2507


Eastern OR fall 2013

I will not be participating in First Friday this month- taking advantage of the bleak weather to see John Waters that evening instead!

But I will be around the month of December, and if any of you are looking for a Holiday present in the piles at the Studio you are most welcome to contact me by phone or by email and I’ll meet you there. I plan to spend a fair amount of time there ignoring the dark, rain,and holiday gloom!!!!!  And I’ll be looking forward to Dec 21st when the earth turns and our days will be brighter!!!

October Happenings at Studio 2507

Annie IMG_9839My mobility is back, and I’m back in the studio again.  Just in time for bad weather!!!  Please join me at the gallery First Friday Oct 4th from 6-9 pm-

and :

ALSO !! I’m participating in Portland Open Studios 2013 – along with 95 other artists around the Portland Metro area.  This is a great opportunity to see the private spaces where artists work, view demonstrations, and learn more about the creative process – from the inside!

Portland Open Studios 2013
Watch Artists at Work
October 12, 13, and 19, 20 10am-5pm

To discover other artists’ studios in your neighborhood and experience the full range of artists at work, pick up a Tour Guide.  The $20 Tour Guide is a ticket for two adults (children under 18 are free) and includes images of the artists’ work, a fold-out map, and a 2013/14 calendar. On a budget?  We’ve also got a $7.50 Map Only ticket, also good for two adults, all four days.

Tour Guides can be purchased online at or are available at all New Seasons, and Muse, Collage, I’ve Been Framed, and Columbia Art, from participating artists and many other retail locations throughout the Portland metro area.

If you would rather navigate the tour from your smart phone, then we offer a Portland Open Studios app for iPhone and for Android.  The app includes studio navigation via Google Map, the ability to add notes for future reference and search artist by name or media. Go to the app store to get yours for only $9.99.

Check the blog for last minute updates as well as articles about select artists and special offers for tour visitors: http://www.portlando…

Hope to see you on the tour October 12, 13, and 19, 20 10am-5pm!




September Happenings at Studio 2507

lo rez annie broken legThanks to all of you who came down to Art In The Pearl Festival this past weekend- good weather, good sales, nice to see old friends and meet new ones.  I am lucky enough with my broken leg saga to be healing ahead of schedule, and am actually able to walk (with a crutch(!) ) and today- even drive!!  So I am on the mend .  Staying in town for most of September, (no France this year due to the broken leg) and hope to be spending time on my own two feet in the studio with my new press.

You are welcome to visit me this month at the studio, and in particular this First Friday Sept 6th from 6-9 pm.  Above is a photo taken by a guest at the studio this past month!

August happenings at Studio 2507

2013 Will Valley-new blueFor those of you who haven’t heard, I had a bicycle accident and broke my leg a couple weeks ago- so am non weight bearing (just weight gaining!) for the next 6 weeks and hopefully things will go ok with the healing. So limited mobility and need a driver to commute anywhere.  Needless to say , I’ll have to forgo my trip to France this year, but am hoping once I’m up and around to be able to have a productive month in the studio in September.  In my own mind I’m thankful I didn’t injure myself in the winter!!- much easier to get around  barefoot and coat-less.

I’m hoping I’ll be able to be in Art In The Pearl- will wait a couple more weeks to decide on that one- and that I’ll see you there!!!

I also do plan to make it to the studio for First Friday-Aug 2nd 6-9 pm.  And am able to make it over there if you want to meet me-just call or email and I can try to meet you-